Splitting a website into two (or more) websites


Description: In this video, Christina explains when you may want to consider splitting your website into two or more websites, and how to go about that. (length 3 min)

Several years ago, I launched my personal blog https://christinahills.org/, which was a place to blog about my life.  I hide this from the search engines and only give it out to select people.  But after a while, I realized that I wanted my recipes to be on its own site so that I could share my family recipes on social media!  So I then split my personal blog in 2 and created Christina’s Recipes (https://christinasrecipes.com/) .  My first spin off.

Now I have split my site again!  I just created A Quest for the Divine to focus on spirituality and the history of religions. You can find that here https://questforthedivine.com/


Enjoy the video!

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